Sharing Stories, Building Bonds:
The Power of Reading

Embracing the Power of Reading

Welcome to the Power of Reading Program at Finding Something More, where the magic of stories becomes a bridge of connection. Our primary mission is to share the gift of reading with individuals who have disabilities. As a volunteer, you'll commit to reading a full book to someone, creating an unforgettable shared experience.


Shared Stories,
Shared Joy

In 2014, Finding Something More founder Nancy Rench crossed paths with her friend Kelly Levin and her 24-year-old daughter Ashlyn, who was battling Lyme disease. Struck by the family's deep bond and resilience, Nancy felt a surge of compassion and an urge to offer a gesture of comfort. Recalling fond memories from her own childhood, she remembered how her mother would selflessly read to an elderly woman, brightening her day. Nancy felt that Ashlyn might find solace in a similar gesture. When she proposed the idea of reading to Ashlyn, Kelly recounted how her daughter's eyes lit up, eagerly anticipating the joy of shared stories.

Ashlyn Levin
Power of Reading Ambassador

This beautiful interaction taught Nancy a profound lesson: while she set out to offer Ashlyn a moment of joy, it was Nancy who was deeply moved. She rediscovered the fulfillment that comes from the simple act of sharing time and stories, realizing that sometimes, in giving, we receive so much more.



What You Can Expect
as a Volunteer or Participant

1. Matching Process
We carefully match volunteers and participants based on a genuine connection and desired location (in-person or virtual), ensuring a harmonious and comfortable experience for everyone involved.

2. Reading Sessions
Enjoy flexibility with both in-person and virtual sessions, tailored to your preferences.

3. Session Frequency
While scheduling is adaptable, we recommend weekly or bi-weekly sessions to maintain the continuity of the reading experience.

4. Safety & Respect Guidelines
Safety is paramount for our volunteers. Background checks are conducted to ensure a secure environment for all participants.

5. Training
If selected as a volunteer, you'll receive training to enhance your reading and communication skills, including cultural sensitivity, boundaries, and ethics.

“Talking over the things which you have read with your companions fixes them on the mind.”


“Reading to others allows us to open up someone else’s world and to enrich our souls.”

LaVelle Johnston

Power of Reading Program Director

Testimonials & Impact 


“I was blessed to participate in the Power of Reading Program. I was able to learn by being welcomed into a family home with a child who couldn't read for herself. The power of entertainment by reading books and magazines provided an opportunity for her to look forward and we were reading about. The book choose was hers and she enjoyed that. She was a delight to read to and I'm grateful for the opportunity.”

Tammy Bliss, Volunteer

Join the Power
of Reading

Ready to become part of this heartwarming journey? Apply today to be a reading volunteer or to have someone read to you and experience the joy of shared stories.